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Schwindy's indie music spotlight: Treehouse!

If you're anything like your humble narrator, you like to have upbeat and positive music when you're sitting in cubicle hell. It really helps you forget how little you like your job, and it makes the day feel like it's moving a little more quickly. Well, if you need some positive music for your cubicle give the new album from Treehouse! a try.
The album begins with "Embrace the Change". This has a vibe similar to Rebelution. Frankly, the message is pretty similar to Rebelution too. In the song, Jeremy Anderson sings about spending your days in the right kind of way. To be honest, if you listen to this in your cubicle, it just might make you want to break out and never go back.
One of the great things about this band is that it is pretty groovy. One good example is "On the Road". This is an amazingly groovy song that will have you pogoing if you're standing up and bouncing in your seat if you're sitting down. For the most part, the band deals in songs that work a pretty good groove. "Babylon Pressure" is another good example. This song is a little slower in tempo than the songs that precede it, but it will definitely have you swaying. The band also taps a little into the psychedelic - especially with the guitar in "Look into the Stars".

If you've been looking for some feel-good music with a positive message the reggae and jam sounds of Treehouse! will definitely fit the bill. From the mellow melodies to the groovy rhythms to the horns, this album will just make you feel good. Lifted will be available on March 10, and it will be great either in your cubicle or in your house with the volume cranked up.